Or rather, welcome to the most terrifying week on television. I live within a half hour of the beach known as "The Shark Bite Capital of the World" and now I'm pretty sure I'm never going back there again. This, people, is why I do not jump in to water that I can't see to the bottom of. If it's not a clear Florida spring or Caribbean waters, I want no part of it.
Up til Sunday, I'd never even HEARD of a bull shark, and now I'm pretty sure they're all lined up in a row with open mouths, waiting for my pretty polished toes to get a little too close. These slow-motion video clips of sharks and all their teeth leaping out of the water to grab a bait off the side of a boat and these idiots, er, I mean, scientists egging them on gives me a Great-White-sized case of the heebee jeebees! Thanks for the nightmares, Discovery Channel.
On a better note, Scot and I have joined a running club! There's this bar (don't judge) up in Deland that started a beer run. (I bet you can now guess how I convinced Scot to do this with me, yes?) Best part is...drumroll.....it's FREE! I can do free, no problem. We just show up at 6:30 on Monday evenings (my day off- this was fate, I tell you!) and do around a 3 mile run with a group. Each week they feature a specialty craft beer that everyone gets a glass of afterwards. Well, after we all drink the pitchers of water and nibble on bananas and fig newtons. Of course, I'm not a beer drinker so if it's a tasty one, Scot gets 2. I still beat him by a minute or 2 when we run, but he's doing holding his own, especially since he doesn't run like, at all. Boy was even running in khaki cargo shorts and a cotton t-shirt when we started. We finally hit up the Ross to get him some real workout clothes so I think he's improving. It's fun to get out and do this together (and yes, he's admitted that), and of course it keeps me on track for my half-marathon training.
Speaking of which, I have to run 8 miles this weekend. All at once. One after the other. Looking at these morons on tv playing around in this shark cage and I'm half-thinking I'd rather be there than hoof it 8 miles on a Florida August afternoon. But I must, because no one else is going to do it for me. Unless there's any volunteers? Hello? No? Dammit.
Speaking of which, I have to run 8 miles this weekend. All at once. One after the other. Looking at these morons on tv playing around in this shark cage and I'm half-thinking I'd rather be there than hoof it 8 miles on a Florida August afternoon. But I must, because no one else is going to do it for me. Unless there's any volunteers? Hello? No? Dammit.