Wine & Dine Swim Meet.
Splash & Dash Half Marathon.
Whine & Done half marathon.
Whatever people on the interwebs are calling it, we all ran the 2014 Wine & Dine Half Marathon at Disney on Saturday and we all got effing soaked.
Srsly, we hadn't had a single drop of rain in Central Florida for a month, then, at 10 pm on November 8th, it started.
This was my 7th Disney race and my 3rd night race so I've got my schedule down pretty good. I left work at 3, got in to All Star Movies around 4, and got my bordering-on-superstitious-now chicken and mashed potatoes from the food court. I was able to nap from 5-7, and when I woke up I had a message from Scot telling me that he was on his way but was in slow traffic AND he forgot his after-party ticket at the house! I called the Disney ticket people and found out he could go to Downtown Disney (argh, what a nightmare on a Saturday evening!) and get a replacement at guest services. So, that was his plan. I needed to get into my Orange Bird outfit and get on a bus!
101 Dalmatians building at ASM
Felt leaves held up with pipe cleaners, yellow satin belly glued on the front of my shirt, and green Team Sparkle sleeves!
I remembered to put on my after-party admission bracelet, even though Scot wasn't there to remind me. I felt like such a responsible adult!
Before I forget, let me tell you- usually it takes us about an hour to get from our house to the Disney parks. Saturday, with the stop at DTD and a wreck on I-4, it took Scot 4 1/2 hours to get to the hotel. From what he told me, he went straight from there to Epcot for beer. I can't say I blame him.
Even though I was not a first-timer, I still got a little bit nervous on the bus to WWOS. I'd accepted the fact that I was doomed to get drenched, so I just wanted to get to the staging area and start dancing! I know to some people Orange Bird is a bit obscure- that's what I was going for- but several people recognized the character and complimented my costume. I appreciated that, I did work a good while on it.
I got in a little warm-up dancing before the announcers starting herding us over to the corrals. I grabbed a cup of water and waited maybe 15-20 minutes for the bathroom. I didn't notice that it was starting to mist until I looked up and could see tiny water droplets in a streetlight. I was glad I had the arm sleeves- I could see people starting to shiver already! Lots of runners were in plastic ponchos and coats. I still felt alright, I was just ready to get running before the downpour started. Didn't wanna stand still in a corral and get drenched with nothing to do!
Time to start! I was in Corral C and we got going about 5-6 minutes after 10:00. The fireworks exploded above the sign there, and my group pushed forward. About 5 seconds after start, I heard "Look out! Look out! Watch it! Watch it!" and I just about fell on my face when I tripped over a long thick piece of black plastic that looked like flower bed edging or something, just laying in the middle of the road 20 feet from the start line! What is this, Expedition Everest Challenge???? There's not supposed to be any obstacles!!
So after I stumbled over the start line, things cleared up and I managed to get underway. There was a mass of cheering spectator crowds in that area, which I always appreciate! Less than a mile in, we turned onto Osceola Parkway and headed toward Animal Kingdom. I was feeling good and settled into a pace of around 8:20min/mi. Then the rain picked up. The drops god bigger, puddles started forming. I passed the Country Bears character stop, there was no line but I didn't stop. The rain prevented some of the usual on-course entertainment so I pulled up some music on my Rock My Run app a little earlier than usual. My current favorite mix is called Fit To Fight and it starts off with a little Survivor (I know I don't have to tell you what song that would be). Let's just say I had to grin big and let out a little laugh as it started playing as I leaped over puddles and pushed dramatically through the rain! I passed another character set-up but no one was in it- it was some columns and a background this time it was raining pretty good so I just glanced at it and moved on. I hit the 5K mark around 26 minutes and turned into the AK parking lot. I'd managed to weave my way around a lot of people (I'd started in the middle of my corral, which is what I get for not getting there early enough) so now I felt I had enough room to run and not be bumping in to people. As I moved into the parking lot, I saw the guys in first place going the opposite direction across a grassy median, they were approaching mile 6 already! Some fish from the Electrical Parade were circling around the puddles in the parking lot, I did pause for a photo there but the rain made it come out kinda bad. Judge for yourself:
I think they're snails? Anyhoo, I continued on toward the AK entrance- there were lots of cast member volunteers along the sidewalk- everyone was telling us all to be careful, don't slip, watch the puddles...very much appreciated! The entrance to AK was flanked by giant, like 8 foot tall, lit up red...teeth? Fangs? It was cool looking. I ran into the park and pretty much followed a similar route to Expedition Everest, just circled around the Tree, and then through DinoLand. Along the way I dodged puddles and did some fancy leaping to avoid some big ones. After DinoLand, we moved backstage and blew back out into the parking lot. Mile 6 came up in the lot with the pirate ship and Jack Sparrow. It was still raining! I didn't stop, even though there was no line.
I did take a drink at every water stop- I didn't feel thirsty, just wet, but I knew the cooler temps and rain could lead to dehydration that way. Mostly I just took a quick gulp in a speed-walk through the water station. I'm sure I had PowerAde dripping down my face but the rain washed it all away. My face was soaked so I really didn't care if I spilled all over myself.
After AK it was back onto the parkway! It was only a mile and a half til the exit to Hollywood Studios so the trip wasn't too bad. There was an SUV with giant speakers playing music along the way (for both the route TO and FROM AK) but other than that, not much. Some empty character stages. One other thing I noticed too was dayum, there was a lot of overpasses! I had to keep telling myself for every trek up, I'd get to go downhill on the other side! I was right about an hour at Mile 7 so that made me excited! I might could possibly make my first sub-2 hour half marathon! As crossed the bridge over World Drive and turned up the ramp to HS, the Green Army Man was on the ramp, running with people and shouting encouragements. "This is a race! Run! It's just a little hill!" (it wasn't just a little hill, btw. It was an ass-kicking hill) Still, I cranked it into high gear and charged up it! "That's what I'm talking about! Run up that hill!" he yelled at me as I approached. We did a high five and I moved toward Mile 8 with energy to spare. The Clif shot stop was at Mile 8.5 but I took my peanut butter chocolate Gu gels from my belt with some water and didn't stop.
Miles 9 and 10 were inside HS. We came in behind the Tower of Terror, ran down Sunset Blvd (which for the first time, I noticed was downhill!), through Pixar Place where Woody and Buzz were doing photos under an overhang, the backstage in the Backlot Tour area. I saw all the decommissioned Backlot Tour trams sitting on their rims at jaunty angles. Tires gone. Historical relics at this point. I came back on stage around Lights! Motors! Action! and ran toward the Streets of America. The Osborne Spectacle of Lights was up, music was playing, and the main drag, New York Avenue, was almost empty! There were several Marathofoto photographers in this area as we ran through the Christmas displays. I'd been looking forward to this part! So pretty! I was really liking the course so far- I mean, I was going to run through 3 theme parks! The rest of the route took us near the main HS entrance and out the front and off to the left along with river to Epcot. With the water off to my left, I followed along the path to the Boardwalk. At one point, I passed under a bridge under Buena Vista Drive and for a few seconds was rain-free. Under the bridge there were cheer groups, I think some students. A few people had a boat pulled up to the riverbank to cheer. Another group had a tent with some chairs and one of those "Worst Parade Ever" posters. I had to disagree and shouted back that I was having a great time and this was the Best Parade Ever! There's a pretty high bridge after you pass from the Swan and Dolphin area to the Boardwalk to pass the Yacht Club hotel. A cast member at the bottom of the hill was warning everyone to slow down, there was a sharp turn, and the boardwalk area was slippery. Duly noted.
I made it around the boardwalk and it felt familiar as I ran toward the International Gateway entrance to Epcot. This was a similar route to the Enchanted 10K back in Feb. Even the giant light-up Genie and Lumiere were there but no one was controlling them in the rain. The Giant Red Glowing Fangs made another appearance, along with some giant Mickey head multi colored lighting. We went into a backstage area and popped out between the Imagination and Land pavilions and ran toward the Innoventions area. Mile 13 came just around Spaceship Earth, then the last .1 was just outside the park where it was for the Princess Half. No choir singing this time, it was a straight-up downpour! As I approached the finish, I knew I'd made it in under 2 hours! I heard the announcer call my name as I splashed across the finish line.
Wheeeeee! All of a sudden, I felt exhausted! Someone handed me a silver space blanket, which I wrestled with before crumpling it up and carrying it. I wasn't cold. Yet. A volunteer hung a very heavy medal around my neck. I moved along, dripping, towards the refreshment tables for a banana, snack box, and bottle of PowerAde. I wasn't thirsty. Or hungry. I just felt wet and wanted to get inside. I had an armful of crap now and just wrapped it all up in the space blanket, hobo-style. I stopped for an official photo then made my way over to the free drink area to redeem my drink ticket. I got a single-serve glass of wine from Zipz Wine, which was really neat looking. The glass itself had a screw-on lid. I put it in my bundle and headed toward the after party, starting to shiver.
Wet. I'm starting to get cold here. I lost the leaf headpiece somewhere back around Mile 5!
A volunteer told everyone leaving the drink area that you couldn't bring your alcohol into the park so I opened the wine, took a sip (it was surprisingly good) but I really didn't want it and tossed it out before taking a photo. I tied my space blanked around my shoulders and went into the park. The wind was picking up and it was still raining and all of a sudden I was freezing! I was supposed to meet Scot in Norway but I got to Innoventions and had to stop. I parked it on a bench inside and called him to meet me. I was shivering and dripping a huge puddle under the bench. About 15 minutes later, he found me and we went to the Land to warm up and allow me to change into dry clothes.
Y'all, I have never in my life been so happy to put on new underwear.
My shirt, shorts, socks, and underwear was soaking wet like I'd jumped in the river. I put on new shoes and long sleeve shirt and capris with a jacket and felt like a new person! Soarin' had no wait so since we were right there we rode it. We then headed into the party and spent a couple hours wandering around and eating (I'd given Scot 2 umbrellas to bring, lord we needed them!) It did not stop raining and the temperature had dropped into the 50s! As we headed toward the exit a little after 3am, we saw the end of the race. Some bicyclists, medical carts, and one last gal hobbling with her arm around a helper's shoulder toward the finish. We all clapped, and then it was over. We managed to get on the bus (still in the rain) and make it back to the hotel and fell into bed a little after 4.
I had a great time, even if it was a soggy run. My clothes were still wet when I woke up! We got to MK and had a rain-free day with some good fastpasses and lots of eating. I was glad to have Monday off to rest! So excited about the under 2 hour race, here's a look at the rest of the numbers:
Bib 1359
Corral C
Overall place: 645/11,941 (Top 5%)
Gender place: 183/7,928 (Top 2%)
Age Division place: 32/1,442 (Top 2%)
Net Time: 1:55:34
Spinning medal!