Friday, April 13, 2012

no gnomes allowed

It's garden time again!  Early last month I picked up some new veggie sprouts and seeds to give agriculture another go.  Last year I had a hell of a time battling with squash bugs (yes, that's what they're called) and diseased tomatoes after a good first batch.  Let's hope I learned something because this year we've got the following:
Green beans
Bell peppers- green, red, and orange

So far everything looks okay, I even picked my first squash off the plant this evening.  Nothing around to cook for dinner so it looks like I'll be having a squash.  And another glass of Keel and Curly Winery's Tangerine Tango Zinfandel.  If you're here in Florida, go get a bottle from Publix.  I'm usually not a red wine drinker (Lakeridge's Sunblush is as dark as I'll go) but this stuff is awesome!  It's like juice, only better.

Back on track now...

About the squash bugs- I've sprayed enough chemicals on those plants to kill every bug on the block, let's hope it works. 

Oh!  I also dug up my strawberry plants from last year and moved them to a box inside the screen.  Turns out the only reason I wasn't getting any berries at all was that the birds were getting to them first.  Admittedly, I only really get about 1 or 2 a week but they're a nice suprise and, after a quick shot with the garden hose, I eat them right off the plant.  We also planted a pineapple in a large pot.  Whether or not this is going to work is TBD because we bought one, ate it, and planted the top part that we cut off.  No Google research on this or anything but we're hoping in 2 or 3 years we get a result.

The herbs are in good form, as usual.  My rosemary plant is turning into Audrey II and that stupid mint I planted last year and then dug up because it started spreading and taking over the whole right side, has found its way back from the dead and started sprouting in the herb box.  Note: If you want to plant mint because you're like, "hey mojitos are awesome and now I can make them whenever I want!" STAY AWAY.  Or plant it in a pot where it can't get out.  I've been trying to track down some sage because I think it's sophisticated and plus I saw a really good looking pork recipe on the cooking channel that I want to try and I need sage.  Haven't had any luck finding plants though.

Anyway, here's a look!

Other than this, we've been crazy busy painting the house and relandscaping.  That'll be my next post, so until then... :)

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