Thursday, December 20, 2012

have yourself a tacky little christmas...

The other night I threw what was probably my most complex party yet-at least when it came to the variety of food.  My friend Jenn and I collaborated to host an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party and oh lord did our friends come up with some amazing creations!  

This year I was informed that when I go back to Louisiana for Christmas that it won't be the normal routine that I'm used to.  Usually, on Christmas eve, my aunt and uncle have a big party at their house and I get to visit with everyone and see all my cousins.  On Christmas day, everyone meets at my grandparents' house for turkey and dressing and opening presents.  It's been that way as long as I can remember but this year there's a shake-up.  2 of my out-of-town cousins aren't even coming in so the Christmas eve party?  Cancelled.  The turkey and dressing on Christmas day?  Exchanged for a brisket.  And the presents?  Now it's going to be (sort of a?) Pirate Gift Exchange thing.  Which reminds me I have to go find a $25 or under gift for a girl.  No one in particular, because we don't know who gets it.  Yeah, makes me really want to put thought in to this project (NOT!  Yeah, you hear the grumpy teenager in me coming out, too dontcha?)  Anyhoo, since my holiday is being turned topsy-turvey, (except the new tradition I started with Kelly last year- pre-church margaritas at Cantina Laredo.  Klassy, I know) I wanted to have as many friends as I could over for some good get-together time.  Here was my menu-

Deep-fried cajun turkey (god bless friends who own a bbq joint!)
Rolls and homemade cranberry sauce to make that turkey into mini sammiches
Pepper Jack grits-stuffed sweet bell peppers
Spicy marinated shrimp
Sausage puffs (these are always a hit!)
Rotel dip
Homemade spinach artichoke dip
Homemade saltine oyster crackers (found the recipe on Pintrest and I don't care if I never eat anything else in my life- these were awesome!)
Fruit and veggie platters
Cherry bourbon pecan balls
Raspberry pound cake balls
A tri-color bundt cake in xmas colors (cute and simple!)
Red velvet peppermint swirl brownies
Key lime shortbread cookies
Nutella sea salt fudge (as delicious as it sounds!)
Homemade peanut brittle
Various little candies and pretzels I bought to spread around

I'm trying to remember it all- my friend Fedora ('memba her from the male stripper episode?) and I drank 2 bottles of champagne together ($5 a bottle Verdi Spumanti- it's delicious!!!)  

I almost feel like Christmas is over already...the party is done and I'm back to work.  The only thing reminding me is that we have presents under the tree (which my freaking cat will NOT stop eating.  Seriously, she's already ingested and re-deposited some curly ribbon in a slobbery mess on the bedroom floor).  A selection of my friends keep telling me there's a sparkly ring waiting for me under that tree, which I say is a load of crap lol.  Tell you what, the odds of that happening are the same as the odds of the world ending tomorrow (oh Mayans, ya'll and ya'll's silly calendar!) so hey if it does end no one will know what's under my tree anyway.  The plan Sunday is- presents, then brunch, then pack because we both have flights to to Louisiana and him to Pittsburgh.  I plan on gorging myself with crawfish etoufee and meat pies (and spell check just tried to change "crawfish" to "crayfish"...uh hellz no!) and hopefully fit in some visiting time with the few relatives that WILL be around town.  I leave you with a Merry Christmas if that's your thing (if it's not, Happy Thursday), and some sweater photos-   

  We dressed the cat up,and note the Christmas equivalent of the tuxedo shirt
 Me and Baby Bird- of course she did feathers!
Co-host Jenn and her hubby with his awesome homemade sweater

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