Saturday, August 9, 2014

ok, now i'm awake!

So last Thursday, Scot did his first morning run with me.  It was also his first run over 5K, and he made it 6.3 miles!  I'm proud of him, and it bodes well for the 10K we signed up to run in September to use as proof of time for the Princess Half Marathon next February.  I certainly don't want to be stuck in corral P- he's male and had no proof of time when we signed up so you KNOW that's where he'd end up.  

On a more interesting note, we were maybe a half mile into our run, coming up the hill when we saw the lights from police cars.  We slowed down a bit to see- there was a ton of activity on the opposite sidewalk!  Cops, a couple DEA vans, and- I kid you not- about a dozen SWAT guys in their gear headed up into a house across the street!  The road was blocked off and because it was still dark, we could see just a line of car headlights up the road behind it all.  As we passed the house, a loud BOOM! went off, and I'm not gonna lie, I took off running!  It was a weird kind of run-walk, I was honestly trying to not look suspicious.  We carried on down the road, not wanting to stick around but peeking back to see what was going on!  We passed that house again a little over 15 minutes later on lap #2, and again on lap #3, all the lights were on, the front door and garage door were wide open.  The DEA van had gone and the house was full of police.  A haze hung in the air inside, probably from whatever they threw inside as they took over the house.  Flashbang, smoke bomb, whatever it was.  We did see too that there were 3 or 4 tightly wrapped white brick-like packages in the driveway and found out later that afternoon from the news that this house was one of many that were busted in a huge heroin ring in Volusia county!  Yaaaaaaay Deltona...!

Not long after our run was over, a big truck with a forklift-digger machine thing showed up to tear up the driveway.  That's the latest and final project- we're putting in pavers and adding an extra parking space.  I'll add photos later when it's done- it's looking pretty incredible so far!     

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